Monday, October 19, 2009

Retail: Yay

As is known, I also work retail, which all negative points aside, isn't so bad, considering I get 30%-50% off fantastic gear. So what could those negative points be? Customer crabbiness is a given, sometimes people just suck. It's those kind of people that rememind me of slinkies. Good for nothing, but bring you a smile when you push 'em down the stairs. But even the most disgruntled customer is only misery for five minutes. What could possibly worse? I will describe it in my new dialogue for a sales pitch. You will only hear what I would say:
"Hi, how're you doing? Is there something I can help you find?"
"Ok, well, be sure to check out our sales, and we have our new gear in the back."
"Oh yes, please, try on anything you like, in fact, try on EVERYTHING, and don't buy it, just leave it there."
"Oh no, if you would just roll it in a ball and leave it on the floor of the fitting room that would be fine."
"No worries, I'll just fold it later. In fact don't even put it back where you found it, no let's just THROW IT across the store and I'll take care of it later."
"Oh yes, I'll take care of the dirty diapers and moldy grapes you left behind no worries."
"WELL thanks for BUYING JACK, hope YOU have a GREAT day."

Beyond that, retail ain't so bad. For the record. Oh and buy our stuff, uh, because. No that's just it, because.

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