It's been almost a year since I last wrote. Shame that, since I've written a gripload of things in my journals and whatnot. Though nothing's happened since I last talked to you in March. Absolutely jack. Yeah I wouldn't buy that either, but I'm not going to regale you with tales of my triumphs over the krakens and giants of our day. Instead I'm going to try and entertain you. Because who want's to hear the boring drivel of a twenty something who's mildly miserable yet rioting at life? IT'S CALLED FREAKIN LIFE.
Aiight (which is the proper spelling, just so we're clear) so you right now currently have something in your possession, an object, that is near and dear to your heart. Why is that? Right now on my keyring I carry a blue carabiner, which if you don't know what that is, then we don't deserve to be friends. Seriously, GET OFF MY FOLLOWERS LIST. Actually I'll tell you, it's a little clip that climbers use regularly to attach things to themselves like rope, a harness, other climbers, more rope, their chalk bag which helps reduce moisture in their hands, and rope. Like a frak ton of rope. You can get them in every truck stop if you look hard enough, and while you're at it get a Slim Jim.
So this carabiner I got while on an adventure and it was what carried my Nalgene bottle at my side so it was easy to access. Iteresting that adventure was because drinking water became as natural as breathing, it was just part of how you moved and thought. So afterwards I used the clip to carry random things on my backpack during my mission. That makes this carabiner almost a decade old. After the mission I landed a job I didn't deserve at a credit union and it carried my vault keys, because I was constantly forgetting them. Same thing at a bank I worked at back home, and now again at a new credit union I'm working at. And I look at this crummy thing, the paint's almost gone, should've broken by now, but the spring is as tight as it was the first day, and I think, I'd be really sad if this thing broke.
WHY? And I had more thoughts. We place emotional value in everything around us. Well maybe not everything, but we personify and anthropomorphize (YES THAT WAS IN MY IMMEDIATE VOCABULARY STICK THAT IN YOUR JUICE BOX AND SUCK IT) a lot of our everyday objects that if damaged, lost, or stolen elicit an emotional response.
My brief stint in an Anthropology course taught me a piece of the puzzle. Perhaps it's because we're extremely social creatures and can't stand to be alone. That when human interaction is stifled by one reason or another, we place emotional value in something around us that is stable and constant. It's been proven that we need interaction, but I found that interesting, that it could be the source of our best friends, the everyday objects that mean something to us and no one else.
Food for thought!
Since we're on the topic of anthropology, there was something else that caught my eye, there was an article about a city or town or neighborhood that was seeing increased crime in areas where children lacked a paternal figure in a family social circle. And I thought, well yeah, there's no competition, of course the upstarts are going to try and usurp authority to create an idyllic environment their minds have cooked up, pieced together by their desires. Additionally the lack of training from a wiser and older leader creates an entropic youth. Where's my proof for the hypothesis? Look at your teenage years, I don't know about you but it was freakin chaos for me. Without a guiding figure, which don't get me wrong my father is much more to me than simply a figure head, I would have been lost in the foray of finding one's self. Give your old man a hug, is all I'm suggesting.
Aiight Operator Out.
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