Had a hilarious conversation with a friend today about hairstyles. I done just shaved my head and have been planning to move to Northern Idaho amongst the natives, but until then, I painted a blue arrow down the center of my head and have been carrying around a bow staff. My friend at work was applauding my bravery at dressing like a bald shoaling monk to work and lamented that she wished she could shave her head to use any wig style she wanted in an instant. I suggested a pixie hair cut, to which her reply was “ew, people will think I’m a lesbo.” HILARIOUS, yet criminally stereotypical, YET HILARIOUS. SO I proceeded to procure a few pictures of random celebs that had pixie cuts and they are as follows.
Gena Davis
Halle Berry
Kathy Bates (I love this actress)
Keira Knightly (I had to. I just had to)
Judi Dench (BWAAAAAH)
For some reason I can't get Kathy Bates but you get the picture
And while this whole conversation may question my masculinity, I think my points stand. My friend went on to lament that Keira pulls it off nicely (hot dang does she ever) but she was afraid that she’d end up looking like Bates in the end. My reply:
And see, (ok yes, I have to agree. One of the chaps from Top Gear said that "driving the Audi A6 is like smothering honey on Keira Knightley". PRICELESS) Bates just didn't do anything with the hair, she didn't style it, so it looks blah. Keira looks like she has hairspray or staples holding her hair in place, so I think in the mornings before the hollywood magic she looks just like Bates. Of all of them though, I think Gena Davis pulls it off the best. That or JUDO DENCH (yeah, I know I spelled that wrong, but that makes it funnier eh?)
Take from this what you will, THIS WAS A FUNNY CONVERSATION TO ME.
This really was a great conversation! :)