So I asked myself what the draw was to listening to music so much and I had a theory a long time ago which I thought I'd use for one of my stories, or a campaign in Gamma World. It goes like this, so before there ever was anything, there was light, and the light could sing. And it was the most beautiful music ears had ever heard, save for the fact no ears existed. Soon, from the light came darkness, because the darkness wanted to take the music for itself, hide it, so only they could listen to it. A feud began, between the light and the dark, and in the dust of their conflict rose planets, and plants, and beings, and eventually man. Because these forms of life were begotten of both light and darkness, they responded to the song, they yearned for it, they sang themselves. It's the conflict of light and dark within us, that wants to set the music free, give it back. I've got more, I'll continue this next post.

I was invited to go rock climbing with my siblings, and I dunno, I mean yeah, I'm capable, I can do it, but it's so uncomfortable, and I really don't get much fun out of it, plus I'm outta shape, it would just be an awkward uncomfortable experience.
Another side note, I've decided to label myself as a recovering gamer, meaning I've not picked up a controller in weeks now. Reason is, 1. They really are a waste of time 2. They're a gateway to other temptations 3. The only games worth playing are full of unrighteous things and 4. When I die, there will be hundreds of awesome games that will come out after I'm six feet under, and there's nothing I can do about it. Now, bear in mind, I ain't looking to be this, Ricky Righteous/Peter Priesthood, mostly because that fetcher doesn't exist anyway. But I've made my decision, I don't want to play video games ever again. My nicotine patch is MineCraft, a builder simulator rendered in 16 bit graphics. It allows me time and space to create things, build things, and that I think is a worthy game. Here's to bronzing our controllers!!

Speaking of Minecraft, observe my first and most awesome build, Castle Greyskull. The interior was incredible, and I loved building this. it's a 1:41 scale replica of a human skull, and I'll tell you what it was a bugger, getting built, but it was done. Lower half was done in survival, so I kept falling to my death, getting blown up by creepers, but I convinced the server op to let me have creative mode just so I could finish the build. You can't see it, but the rear cavity where the brain should be is actually just glassed over so there's an open room exposed to light, and I have a small waterfall and park with trees in there. IT'S THAT BIG.
My active server switched map seeds because we all wanted to do something new, what with so many folks contributing now, and I like the new map, offers some exciting twists and turns. When I first logged, I ran about not knowing where to go, and it was already getting dark, the monsters in game, mind you being much more difficult than in updates past. I find a small mine where somebody started off, and I thought 'yeah, I'll hide here for the night, check it out,' and as I close the door, a bunch of zombies come right up on it, start banging on it. I'm thinking, nah, he ain't gonna get in I'm safe. I say I might starve in team chat, and the op comes and gives me bread, then disappears again, and suddenly, zombie busts through the door. I wig out and go all FISTS OF FURY on the zombie, and finally get him down, but not without him getting a few hits on me. I pull out the bread to eat it, and ANOTHER ZOMBIE walks through the now open door, so what do I do? I beat his undead chain-mailed brains in with the baguette I have in my hand! Not sure I like zombie bits on my bread though.
Aight, Operator Out.
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