Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rejected by a zombie

The denizens of the undead world aren't known to be picky. It's common knowledge that their hunger is unabated and insatiable, causing much of the stress and anxiety of overworlders such as you and me. So, it added to the hilarity of the situation, as the Captain and I stood in line waiting to be mystified by the darkness of the Nightmare on 13th, when a shuffling zombie approached me (smelled pretty good, all things aside, including looks. I think he used Gain) It was the usual hideous, gorefied monster of the night, and it endeavored to stare me down, anticipating my nervousness to get the best of me. Snuffling and sniffing me out, it was clear in it's intentions. Had I any indication it was female, with such interest in my being, I might have asked the poor thing to dinner. Desperate, NOT SO!!!! In any case, losing interest, the bag of bones turned to my Captain, clad in the best he could muster on short notice. The zombie took a good look, sized him up, and then, to the shock and utter amazement of myself and my Captain, shook it's head! It was uninterested!!!! Could it be slamming on the nature of the getup of the Captain, who knew, but the action did not go unhearalded, as our roars of laughter filled the chill air. An event to always be remembered, and I will hold a soft place in my heart for the zombie with a personality, one of it's kind.

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