Went to a dance tonight. And frankly I was kinda nervous, last I went to was a luau right after my mission, and it was awesome. I was on top of my game, dancin a bunch, askin a gal every slow dance if she'd like to, standard protocol, yknow? Wasn't in the mood frankly. Got too tired of it after a while, yknow, 10 PM hit and felt like, forget it. Am I jaded to the whole scene? Not that I care, I don't need any more distractions, and frankly I couldn't pay the gas to see anyone anyway. But made me ponder a bit.
To those that still read this, I will be trying to post regularly again. I was inspired to get back to this, for the sake of writing randomly again, thanks to a gal from Chicago. So there's a point to this, I'll share some points of wisdom I've written on the last page of my five subject notebook that seem, well, noteworthy.
We would do well to learn from others and apply their truths to our own.
Those quizzes that supposedly test our attention to detail and/or intelligence really tick me off for two reasons:
1.) We are so overwhelmed by marketing and information in our society, it's near impossible to retain it all, it's no wonder so many people are autistic.
2.) I never do well on those stupid things anyway, indicative of my laziness and stupidity apparently. Frankly, it's my opinion that taking the test in the first place is a better indicator of those two traits.
Are we the diseased ones and the autism is normal?
Art is subjective and undefined. ALL art.
Culture, context, and environment literally has an effect on the shape of the folks that live there.
Define politically correct: Politically comfortable.